Monday, March 11, 2013

Royalty Among DG!

Two of our Gamma Zeta's experienced life as royalty after being selected as Queen in two different Mardi Gras Krewe's! Here's a Q&A with each of them to gain insight into life as a queen!

Queen Tiffany Mohre!

Which Krewe were you queen of?
I was queen of Krewe of Pontchartrain in NOLA

What was your favorite part about bring the Queen of Pontchartrain? 
My favorite part of being queen was the actual ride. The people on the street were so much fun talking to me and waving back to "the queen" it made me love my city more than I ever have before. I also loved the idea that there are maybe 40 queens in a mardi gras season and I was one of them! Not everyone can say that!

What was the hardest part about being a queen?
The hardest part was wearing the crown! I was absolutely obsessed with my crown but it was extremely heavy! My mom had to sew it in my head using   wire and many bobby pins. I had to take 2 Tylenol before I put the crown on because it was so heavy and tight

Was this your first time riding in a Mardi Gras parade? 

This actually wasn't my first time. I have been a part of my crew since I was a freshman in high school. I was a maid my sophomore year and then rode 3 years until it was my year to be queen!

I thought riding and throwing beads was so much fun but the experience as queen was incredible!

What was the best part of this Mardi Gras season?

My favorite part of the mardi gras season was getting to fly my queens flag on front of my house! When you are a queen, you fly a flag in the front of your house that year and every year after. It made my so excited every time I drove up to my house. I also loved getting to share the entire experience with my friends from NOLA and not from the city

Anything else memorable happen throughout your journey of being queen?
I received a call the night before I rode from CBS Sports who wanted to come to my house and film a queen getting ready for her parade! They were going to play a one hour segment Super Bowl morning and I was going to be a part of it! They filmed me getting my make up done, doing my hair, and putting on my crown. They then followed me to my float start up area and taped me on the float! It was an awesome experience and I couldn't believe I was on national tv in Super Bowl day!!

Queen Courtney David!

Which Krewe were you queen of?
Krewe Mystique de la Capitale

What was your favorite part about bring the Queen of Mystique de la Capitale? 
My favorite part about being queen was being able to work with such amazing people including, Ball Captain (Kris Cangelosi), King (Patrick Guy Blanchard), as well as the rest of the royal court! I was truly honored to be chosen as queen & also loved representing such a great Krewe like royalty! 

Was this your first time riding in a Mardi Gras parade? 
This was actually my second time being in the Mystique parade, because last year I was able to be a Debutant in the Krewe de Mystique Parade as well. The only difference was this year me & my pages had our own float, which was really fun! 

What was the hardest part about being a queen?
The hardest part I must say was walking around with a heavy crown on my head & trying to stay poise 24/7 haha.

What was the best part of this Mardi Gras season?
 My favorite memory from the Mardi Gras season was definitely being presented as a queen at the royal ball & being able to share this experience with all my friends & family! It was truly an unforgettable as well as memorable experience I will cherish forever!:)

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