Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Gamma Zeta's Career Night

Every year Delta Gamma holds a Career Night for the chapter to help us plan for our future. This year our director of alumnae relations, Emily Annaloro, tells about her experience planning, holding, and organizing every aspect of the 2013 Delta Gamma Career Night:

Career Night has always been a great way for Delta Gamma collegians to meet more alumnae. This year, we had twenty alums help with our small groups. Melissa Thompson, vp: membership of the Baton Rouge Delta Gamma Alumnae, helped me find these wonderful women. Without her help I could not have accomplished all that we did. The hardest part of career night was placing the collegians at the correct tables. I had trouble figuring out a few chapter members’ majors so unfortunately they had to be placed at a random table. Once they got there, they sat at the table that fit their major and everything went smoothly!
Another idea that we focused on for a portion of the night was StrengthsQuest. It is an online test to see what a person’s top five strengths are. With 34 different strengths, no two members have the same five in the same order. We then had Bill Mattera from LSU’s department of Residential Life, Rachel Spencer from LSU’s Campus Life department, Teresia Greer from the Greek Life office, and our own ATC Emily Hester to speak to each pledge class. By separating the pledge classes, the interactive speeches could be tailored to fit exactly what each grade needs to hear. The seniors spoke about how to apply their five strengths to their careers and practiced interviews while the new members used it to bond with their new sisters.  
The most rewarding part was receiving so many thank yous from the alums and chapter members for putting it all together. The alums loved getting to know the collegians and we always love having the alums around to give advice and insight for the future. I also loved being able to share my first big event with my sister Marissa who is a member of the 2006 pledge class. It was awesome to have her there to experience our first collumnae event together! The alumnae always have such great advice for us and I find it important that we get together once a year to make sure we are on the right track. It is nice to have someone who was once right where we are now who can tell us mistakes to avoid, classes to take, or how to boost our resumes. It is also a great way for us to make contacts with alumnae who could potentially be our co-workers or bosses one day. Other great opportunities for alumnae and collegians to meet one another are our monthly Sisterhood Supper Club dinners. Alumnae should look out for an email to sign up to come!

Below is a list of all the alumnae and friends of DG that helped us out so much! Thanks to all of you again!

Savannah Urban
Rachel Bonnet
Regina Leingang
Rebecca Lemoine
Janet Vidrine
Courtney Lanaux
Laura Hopes
Molly Csaki
Kelsey Dickman
Leslie Hopes
Beth Foust
Marissa Annaloro
Ellen DeCuir
Brenda Redpath
Stefania Himpler
Amy Fransen
Sarah Grai
Melissa Thompson
Emily Hester
Karli Boggs
Tasha Vallar
Susan Nunn